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REVOLVER Bar / Pub / Music Venue / Art House 平日是一間舒適輕鬆的酒吧, 不定期有樂團表演 ie. MSAYS, SKARAOKE, GO CHIC, 等... 週末固定有樂團, DJ, 特別活動等等.. Taipei Times 報導 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2011/02/25/2003496731
We are a high-tech Wireless system integrator and manufacture established at Taipei City Neihu District, TAIWAN in 1996,Engaging in the Wireless Media business of product development, technical service and providing product planning, design, manufacturing service, and integration in the fields of all digital audio broadcasting equipments including DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) HD, XM: Satellite Radio MPB,VOIP electronics, and total solution for worldwide valuable branded customers. Cooperated with many design houses in the States , We leading the technology in doing the Research & Development of Wireless Media products, we announced the first one HD radio among all the other manufactures, also we achieved the equivalent product manufacturing quality compared to excellent manufactures in the world. With our Core Competences and Consistent Commitments to our partner customers, our experienced R&D team come from all relevant RF background with doctor and bachelor degree, Our shareholders are mainly from local stock listed company groups. With flexible manufacturing facility including Printed Circuit Board , SMT, Antenna, assembling line were also dedicated to all to the valuable customers. We wish to play an outstanding role as a value added supplier to our customer in the Wireless Media areas.
With nearly 30 years experience in trading of head office in Taipei and branch in China
走進URBAN Cafe Bistro,猶如走進個人的秘密花園,在舒適的空間裡放下忙碌的工作,聽著輕音樂撥放出喜悅的音符,好好享受URBAN提供的一切美好吧!提供溫馨及美味的餐點是URBAN Cafe Bistro 的宗旨。在URBAN Cafe Bistro,您將感到輕鬆與自在,搭配URBAN所提供的洋食餐飲,更是讓您吃的輕鬆無負擔。抽空到「URBAN Cafe Bistro」走走吧! 享受這美好的悠閒時光。
Pacific Island Lounge Bistro (熱帶島嶼風情料理及酒吧) Taipei’s First Pacific Island themed Lounge Bistro serving the best in Tropical Food, Drinks Music. (台北首間太平洋熱帶島嶼料理酒吧,好吃的道地料理,調酒及音樂)
About Us More than twenty years ago, KAB started as a humble two-person family business commenced in Taipei molding plugs and connectors for local Taiwanese manufacturers. This business has today transformed into a dynamic manufacturing entity with over 800 employees across Taipei and China. Armed with this wealth of accumulated manufacturing experience, we have expanded towards a whole range of electrical and electronic products which are exported around the world. Through persistence and our loyal customer base, we continue to build on a reputation for producing quality electrical products, attention to presentation, product detail and excellence in customer service. Company Profile KAB Enterprise has two factories supplying the international market with one located in just outside Taipei, in Panchiao City whilst our main production facility is located in Dong Guan area of China. Our headquarters are located about 40 minutes from Taipei City and comprises of Sales and Marketing, Shipping, Finance as well as Research and product development division. Research Development KAB Enterprise is continually investing in research and development of new applications and innovative products for our customers and we encourage continuous communication between our customers to discuss new product lines with us.
本公司在燈飾同業是老店, 由林董事長白手起家, 將一流照明穩定發展持續至今, 現擴大營業, 在三重開設水晶燈門市部 ,接下來更有其他地區展店計畫
ADDON集團發源於歐洲的德國,自1991年起在執行長林育生先生的經營下,迄今已逾十九年頭。精研於產品的開發設計,對於精緻工藝的產品設計風格,具有敏銳獨特的市場性眼光,Add-On具備IT業背景致力於資訊產品開發,是最早期投入Pen Drive的生產製作廠商,也是國內第一個開發隨身碟 / MP3產品的業者,因為具備數位音樂開發的技術,並看好數位音樂時代的趨勢,三年前即投入數位式喇叭音響開發。 以IT精緻設計的角度,跨入數位資訊週邊喇叭、家庭劇院音響、數位式真空管擴大機開發,在音響市場中,投入不同視覺感觀的系列商品。因精緻便利性的產品設計已獲得相當的讚賞,短短一年內,在德國履創佳績,2009/05 PLUS X AWARD 德國技術創新大獎、2009/06 Best Choice 、2010/03 iF 德國工業設計獎、2010/03 德國紅點設計獎、2010/04金點設計獎、2010/06 iF台北設計獎(Comptex Taipei),共計奪得二十八個國際設計大獎。
七條龍是林森北路的超人氣炭火燒肉店,共有六家店面:林森北路上就有二家店,另外微風店、西門店、三重店、忠孝店,生意蒸蒸日上。開店十二年來,由於每樣食材都維持在最高品質卻以平價提供給顧客,燒肉店食材有牛排、海鮮從150~380元不等,所以六家店經常都是高朋滿座的盛況。獨家的肉品處理技術,讓燒肉的口感就是與眾不同,這也是吸引顧客們一再前來的最主要原因;除了肉品這裡也提供20多種的海鮮類烤物,是店家每日清晨到魚貨市場中挑選出當天最好的貨色,鮮美的程度自然不在話下。 這裡的另一大特色就是跳脫了日本傳統的沉寂氣氛,這是一家標榜年輕、快樂的時髦燒肉店。興旺的炭火發出霹靂啪啦的燃燒聲,耳邊傳來的流行東洋歌曲、年輕有朝氣的員工們,以日文發出陣陣此起彼落的吆喝聲,這一切的一切,都讓來店的客人充分感受到真正的燒肉精神。開幕近十年以來,已有吳尊、黃韻玲、袁惟仁、李威、張惠妹、況明潔、羅霈穎、丁小芹、陳純甄、趙自強、蔡依林、馬妞、黃嘉千、王彩樺、黃子佼、大小S、孫協志、唐琳、蔣怡、張震、動力火車、徐乃麟、鄭弘儀、阮慕樺………等等來此用餐,並且對七條龍讚不絕口。朋友、家庭、工商人士聚餐在此也很常見,而這裡更是上班族下班後的聚會場所,另一個更值得一提的重點是蘋果日報、民生報、中視、TVBS、聯合報、時報周刊、壹週刊、HERE雜誌、TAIPEI WALKER雜誌、食尚玩家、錢櫃雜誌、好樂迪雜誌、理財周刊…等,都競相來採訪報導過,更為七條龍的美味作見證。 七條龍傳承日本燒肉文化的精神,懇切希望與熱愛燒肉文化的同業,繼續共同開創燒肉的成功之路。
上新文化事業出版社,以國際橋樑為重任,以媒體媒介為角色,以國際行銷,專業服務為宗旨。 創新的理念,獨特的媒體,推動台灣特色的、本土的、國際的、觀光的、旅遊的、指引系列刊物。 台灣國際化行銷,推動觀光旅遊市場蓬勃發展,更以廣告國際化、行銷專業化、媒體獨特化, 出版國際性旅遊隨手書籍:Taiwan TravellerBusiness Guide台灣旅客指南、Taiwan Fun Time Guide台灣旅遊誌、Taipei/Kaohsiung/Tainan Cuicine Map 台北/高雄/台南地圖+ Coupon 旅遊系列刊物。 上新文化事業出版社,以真誠,創新,國際為宗旨 。尋找熱忱、創意及挑戰的朋友,推廣國際化的台灣。只要你(妳)對廣告行銷具熱情與挑戰性,上新文化歡迎你(妳)的加入,進入這個旅遊媒體、廣告行銷的繽紛世界。
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